About Make ME
Yes, we have an about Page with all this information but for those who prefer an unabridged version here you go.
Michael Janke and I have been making things together for over a decade, and before that, we were compulsively making things on our own. Yes, we love it, but that does not mean we got to choose our vocation, it chose us. Making things that told stories was the only way we could understand ourselves and the world around us. This was not only the result of the story told, but the act of creating that story. The act of making brought about a clarity and direction.
The same holds true for organizations and institutions. With increasing speed, our technology, systems, and cultures are changing, and that momentum creates chaos. With that chaos comes a breakdown in communication, siloed work, and a lack of vision. The only way to break through is with action and a story. That's why we started Make Me. To help make something that tells a story and inspires others to action. We have supported countless non-profits, corporations, marketing agencies, and design firms to do just that (for example). Whether it is the creative direction or full-on production services they require, we are there to help them make something that will have an impact.
Yes, that something is a video nine times out of ten and for good reason - videos are accessible, eye-catching, and lift the voices of people in a way that creates connection and empathy, unlike anything. If you want to make a video, we are happy to oblige, however, the skills needed to tell a story through film can be applied to anything. We’ve used them to build galleries, events, broadsheets, music, even reports. Nothing in this world has an impact without a story, and a story can fit inside everything.
The video below is a perfect example of how our ability to make things extends beyond video. Working closely with J5 Design to tell the story of their new space, we decided to use this opportunity to showcase the space as it was intended - for gathering. We helped design a gallery that told the story of its design, and a launch event that would act as the backdrop to our documentary. The 150-person housewarming turned out to be the perfect way to see the space in action and added a great deal of value to the client. After the event, the video was quickly delivered so that it could be passed on to event guests - a thank you and a reminder of what makes J5 great.
The project above required us to put on our producer, director, cinematographer, editor, event planner, and gallery-designer hats. These and many more are hats we have happily worn in our 30 years of combined experience making things. We’ve directed and shot everything from basic YouTube videos to feature films. With each project we apply our artistic practice, be it system design, podcasts, or music composition. Of course, when we are at our capacity we have our extended network of world-class makers who ensure every project gets over the finish line. Just as J5 Design, our frequent collaboration supported us in the video above and on many other projects.
That brings me to my final point - we work with good people. For over the past decade, we operated under the name Eric Pauls Productions Ltd. though we did not make that very public. There was no need to because we worked with really great people who referred us to more great people. We plan to remain primarily a referral-based company that continues to support our partners now that we have launched Make Me. However, if you have come upon this, after Google searching 'Western Canadian Production Companies' we would like you to know the following - if you work with us, we will strive to turn our partnership into a collaboration built on a trust that will ensure the project's success (click to contact).
- Eric Pauls