Vivo - Growing Up and Out
Vivo has been a Make Me client since 2019. Since then, we have captured everything from events to product launches. We’ve helped consolidate and deliver impactful stories based on reports and research developed inside their innovation labs, supported the delivery of digital services to online customers during COVID-19, and raise the money required for the expansion through storytelling.
This video represents the culmination of that work. Vivo expanded its facility and its brand in 2023, with the help of the research we supported and the funds we helped raise. So when it was time to announce the reopening, we were called upon to create a video that would celebrate this achievement and look to the future.
We did this by using the archive of material we had built up over the past 5 years in a brand new way. Utilizing the production value already found in our archived footage allowed us to deliver a product that would normally have a huge price tag inside a moderate budget. The final result was a video that speaks to the experiences that led to this new design, and calls to action Vivo’s future patrons.
Producing and Directing by Eric Pauls
Produced and Cinematography by Michael Janke
Edited by Michael Janke
Post-Sound by Matt Neighbour
Gaffer work by Jody Lund
Grip work by Sean Fetaz